Are you looking for Ways to DEAL with anxiety or panic attacks?

Whatever you've been doing up until now, stop! Think for a moment.. Have these methods helped you out of it for good so far? If not stop it and choose a new approach.
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Do you recognize?!

Recommendations usually given to you by a doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist or friend.

Have they experienced it themselves and come out of it, ask your advisor?!

Usual external recommendations:
- Recognize the signs that cause it;

- Live your life;
- Talk to yourself/others;
- Don't distract yourself by being on the phone, etc.;
- Breathe through it, - the nose, - the stomach;
- Keep your mind in the present;
- Allow yourself all the feelings;
- Relax, exercise, meditate;
- Stop Thinking "What If"
- Assess the magnitude of your fear

These are the suggestions that won't help you with panic disorder - if you struggle with frequent and unexpected anxiety disorder and panic attacks!

Any pushing back, pausing, rejecting, pushing away, breathing, drinking, calling a friend, calling 911 is a substitution action and the anxiety attack or panic attack is postponed to the next moment/hour/day and then has to be faced all over again and again and again..

If you are now under such a big burden, where you have unresolved traumas from the past, painful experiences, unworked painful emotions, and in everyday life you carry a heavy burden of stress on your shoulders, then at some point, after a long period of suffering, your brain will tell you that: "enough, I can't be bothered anymore!" and expresses itself with anxiety attack or a panic attack.

Hello Dear!

Thank you for reaching me out!

I will talk about why we experience anxiety attack or a panic attack and how to get rid of it and get rid of it completely.

I mean get rid of it once and for all!

I do know what it is and what you are going through. It is nothing to be jealous of even the greatest enemy.

It's like an internal battle with death and

I wish everyone a chance to get rid of it once and for all!

We experience anxiety attack or a panic attack because we have suppressed mental tension and emotional tension for a long time.

If you have a lot of experiences in the past and you have a lot of unresolved emotions, you definitely carry this low-frequency stress (which I always call it) with you.

And if you have a lot of mental stress in your life, at home, at work, then you carry additional mental stress with you.

If you are now under such a big burden, where you have unresolved traumas from the past, painful experiences, unworked painful emotions, and in everyday life you carry a heavy burden of stress on your shoulders, then at some point, after a long period of suffering, your brain will tell you that:

"enough, I can't be bothered anymore!"

and expresses itself with anxiety attack or a panic attack.
- or with breathing difficulties;
- or fainting;
- or with balance disorders;
- or with pricks in the chest - in the heart area;
- or etc

They are most frequent in the state of rest.

If you have taken time off, rested, allowed yourself to rest, the brain says:

"that's it, I can't take it anymore!"

and throws all this crap on the table with a tray. And then you have to deal with it through anxiety or panic.

And when you experience the first anxiety attack or panic attack of your life, it is so terrible. It's so startling, it's deadly scary, it's like a stamp in your memory forever and you never want to experience it again.

Do you want to get out of it?

Do you want to

get rid of overwhelming

- anxiety

- panic;

- anxiety attacks;

- panic attacks?

I mean to get rid of it and get rid of it completely?

To get rid of it once and for all?

Do you?

Click add to chart to order a guide to get out of this mess!

I did this to myself!

Here is the full guide 3 in 1 offer:
- Look, listen and read;
 - 33 min mp4 - video
- 25 p. pdf - reading file
- quick and efficient method, that will help you out of it

Get rid of anxiety attacks or panic attacks once & for all!

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Inner Dialogue to calm the busy mind

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You are totally free to deal with them a little later or however you wish.

Nor does this guide contain any dietary or exercise recommendations.

At the end of this program, you will find 2 additional links to the instructions that will help you move forward, to work independently, if you find that desire in yourself.

You can always book a consultation with me as well for 1:1, whenever you are ready.

This particular guide is focused 100% on anxiety and panic care !

The example is based on my personal experience.

I am free from it already 7 years!

I did it, and I believe you can do it too!

Thank you and see you in the better place, I promise you, I will wait you there :)

With love


Evelin Vahter

Wishing you a healing journey!

DISCLAIMER: This materials is purely for educational purposes. There is no promise or guarantee that you will be healed or recovered by using the information in this video. This is not medical advice. Your success from following these steps will depend on your background, prior knowledge, level of effort and other factors. I've take all reasonable steps to make sure that the information and resources in the video are correct.
13 Ways to Stop a Panic Attack
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