Women who are planning to have a baby or are already pregnant, ATTENTION!

Diet and nutrition are important for pregnant women. Throughout their pregnancy, women are given recommendations of food to eat while pregnant and foods to avoid.

Although fruit is part of a well-balanced diet, certain fruits —including papaya —pregnant women are told to avoid include:

  • Grapes. There are various opinions about grapes and pregnancy based on the resveratrol in grapes and the difficulty in digesting grape skins.
  • Pineapple. There’s an opinion that pineapple may cause miscarriage, but this isn’t back by scientific evidence.

Should I avoid papaya while pregnant?

Yes and no. There’s confusion around eating papaya while pregnant because ripe papaya is good for pregnant women while unripe papaya isn’t.

Ripe papaya (yellow skin)

Ripe papaya is a natural and healthy source of:

Unripe papaya (green skin)

Unripe papaya is a rich source of:

Why you should avoid latex in papaya

The type of latex in unripe papaya should be avoidedTrusted Source by pregnant women because:

  • It might trigger marked uterine contractions, leading to early labor.
  • It contains papain which your body may mistake for the prostaglandins sometimes used to induce labor. It may also weaken vital membranes that support the fetus.
  • It is a common allergen that could trigger a dangerous reaction.

The takeaway

Although ripe papaya can be a beneficial part of nutrition for pregnant women, unripe papaya can be very dangerous. Some pregnant women continue to eat ripe papaya throughout their pregnancy. However, some women decide to eliminate all papaya from their diet until after they give birth, as there are many other sources of nutrition to enjoy safely during pregnancy.

If you’re pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant, talk with your doctor about proper nutrition including foods to avoid.

Source: https://www.healthline.com/health/papaya-in-pregnancy#takeaway
Source: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/11-foods-to-avoid-during-pregnancy

10 Foods You Should Strictly Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most unexceptional moment in a woman's life. Her diet plays a crucial role for the baby's well-being. Here are 10 food that are a strict no during pregnancy.

NDTV Food Desk |  Updated: August 10, 2017 10:58 IST

10 Foods You Should Strictly Avoid During Pregnancy

A big shout out to all the moms to be. You might just crave for all the mouth-watering dishes in the world and go bonkers about it, but controlling your taste buds for a few months and being extra careful about your diet can be beneficial for your child. Pregnancy is the most unexceptional moment in a woman's life. It is that moment when everybody is extra careful about the expecting mother specially when it comes to food. The food consumed by the mother can directly affect the health of the child.

According to a health practitioner and macrobiotic nutritionist, Dr Shilpa Arora, "All kind of packaged and adulterated food items should be avoided during pregnancy. Intake of iron rich products is good for the health. Seasonal and dark coloured fruits like jamun are proved to be healthy for both the mother and child."

So here are some expert advice on what foods to avoid during pregnancy -

1. Fish and Seafood

Large fish contain high level of mercury which is harmful for infants or young children. It can cause damage to the brain and the nervous system. Pregnant women are strictly advised to avoid the intake of large fish like tuna, shark, swordfish, walleye, marlin and so forth. Canned tuna is said to contain low level of mercury as compared to the other tuna but can be consumed in limit.

Fish are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, if incase you cannot do without it, you can go for clean, fresh water ones which contain low amount of mercury like shrimp, salmon, tilapia, etc. However, under cooked food like sushi should be avoided.

(Also read: Pregnancy Diet: Should You Really Eat For Two?)

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Under cooked food like sushi should be avoided; Image credit: Istock

2. Eggplant

Eggplant or brinjal is a common food eaten in almost all Indian households. It is considered to be fundamental in treating amenorrhoea and premenstrual disorder. Consequently, on this premise it is advisable not to consume brinjal amid pregnancy. However, having them in little amounts once in a while should not pose an issue.

3. Unpasteurized Milk and its Products

Milk should be slightly boiled before consuming as it kills germs and prevents disease causing microbes which can be harmful for the growth of the baby. Milk is definitely important but it should be pasteurised.


Image credit: Istock

4. Sesame Seeds

Dry sesame seeds were earlier used as a medicine for causing abortion. Sesame seeds stimulate the uterine muscle thus causing an expulsion of the fertilized ovum. It is advisable to avoid it during the first three to four crucial months of pregnancy. Whereas dry nuts such as almonds, raisins, walnut, groundnut etc are safe to consume in moderation.

5. Papaya

Papaya is said to stimulate an abortion hence is proved very dangerous to consume during pregnancy. Raw and unripe papaya contains a substance called latex, which causes uterine contractions. Papain and pepsin contents in papaya restricts fetal growth. It is advised by the nutritionists and experts to strictly avoid unripe papaya during pregnancy.


Image credit: Istock

6. Ajinomoto

Ajinomoto is used extensively in street food and is now widely used as an ingredient in households too. It is mostly used in Chinese food preparation, which is a preferred cuisine of the people of India but it is not very beneficial healthwise. Ajinomoto can majorly affect the development of the brain in the fetus. Hence, it is advised to avoid its consumption to a large extent to protect the growth of the baby.

7. Pineapple

Pineapple contains an compound called bromelain, which can cause softening of the cervix leading to unsuccessful labour to miscarriage. It is believed that pineapple can get your body heated up rapidly which can cause abortion or premature birth. Nonetheless, having in small quantities is safe during pregnancy.

(Also Read: Insomnia, Poor Sleep Quality Common for Men and Women During Pregnancy)


Image credit: Istock

8. Fennel and Fenugreek Seeds

You can use small quantity of these ingredients for taste but eating it consistently in large amount is a big no-no. These seeds contain high measures of phytoestrogens, which fortifies the compression of the uterine. It helps to purify the uterus, boost milk production and furthermore have the potential to stimulate menstruation.

9. Refined Flour Products

Attempt and maintain a strategic distance from items made of refined flour like bread, noodles, pasta, pita, cookies, pizza, etc. Likewise, maintain distance from packaged and ready made food items like pickles, sauces, chutneys as they have preservatives and chemicals to build their time span of usability which can harm the growing baby.


Image credit: Istock

10. Grapes

Pregnant women should keep away from grapes particularly amid the last phases of conception as they additionally are found to hike up your body temperature prompting undesirable complexities. Grapes also contain a compound called Resveratrol that can pose numerous difficulties by imbalancing the hormones of a pregnant lady. Over usage of grapes has additionally been connected to stomach related problems and difficulties.


It is difficult to keep your hands off from these delightful delicacies but avoiding the above mentioned list of food items will help you enjoy a safe pregnancy. Evading these food items through your journey of pregnancy will help you and your baby stay fit and healthy.

Source: https://food.ndtv.com/food-drinks/10-foods-you-should-strictly-avoid-during-pregnancy-1734597

Day after day I felt it couldn't continue to burn myself out. I looked up at the sky and begged for silence, rest and peace.

I was fatally tired and the last straw had manifest; my partner abandoned me and moved on. Shortly after, circumstances took their toll and I collapsed..

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All in all, I spent 6 months in total isolation and silence. During this time, I went through absolute mental and physical fasting. I also met twice with the other side, which was the scariest moments in my life, but allowed me to experience a deeper insight - a sense of enlightenment.

In other words, I gathered my desire and the last willpower and after 100% focus on myself and my healing:

- I walked out of bed after 2 months in 5 days;
- I was healed from illness in 4 months;
- I was recovered and restored my body power in 6 months;
- I was all clear and I changed my life to 180°!

Within the healing time, I had to go through all my unsolved pain and injuries from the past and worked with that at the same time in order to allow myself to naturally heal, no drugs or experiments involved.

To be fully healed and feel no more pain or suffering we have to give it enough focus to ascertain the roots thereof!

Today I am infinitely grateful for the blessings I received and I am now, in turn, to inspired to use my gifts to help and heal others!


I'll help you find a way out of worry, stress, crisis, loneliness, burnout, phobia, conflict, domestic violence, anxiety, anxiety disorder, panic attacks or physical illness to reunite with your lost Self and return to your inner peace and well-being.
The method I use will help you overcome difficulties, learn from my similar experiences, receive guidance and support to cope with your story, achieve healing, recovery, peace and happiness.



I'll help you find a way out of suffering from Stress, Crisis, Loneliness, Burnout, Phobia, Conflict, Domestic Violence, Anxiety- and Panic Disorder, Body Illness, generally, whatever the case may be.

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